Axess Limited i Port Louis

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MauritiusAxess Limited



🕗 åbningstider

Grewals Lane, Port Louis, MU Mauritius
kontakter telefon: +230 206 4300
internet side:
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Latitude: -20.1946406, Longitude: 57.4841634

kommentar 5

  • Aurelie Thomas

    Aurelie Thomas


    Good sales service but not a good follow up for after sales service. Hope that this is taken into consideration.

  • Doshirajsing Sreepaul

    Doshirajsing Sreepaul


    Suivi servicing very poor

  • en

    Surendrasinh Jala


    Dealer for Schwing Stetter in Mauritius, offers Truck Mixer, Concrete Boom pump and concrete batching plant

  • Alain Bax

    Alain Bax


    Très accueillant et Professionnel, personnel à l'écoute et dévoué

  • Ashok Jheelan

    Ashok Jheelan


    Very poor workmanship indeed for the second time after insured car went for repairs following a n accident. Cars lying for 50 days with no spare parts and waited for parts to be delivered. Original car battery Amaron fitted in car was exchanged for an old local one found after taking delivery and noted it after 14 days when the battery went flat. Did not want to.make an issue as it was my mistake but how on earth would I know when I was delivered the car after sunset idling and I jyst drove off. The petrol was filled just prior to the accident on my way to the airport and the delivery chart by the towing company indicated near full but tge petrol was drained to near empty when I noticed at home. Again this is my mistake. No apologies for late delivery but companny phoned to claim the excess for the insurance. Very poor interaction. No one phoned for 45 days unless I took the matter with my insurance about whats happening with tbe car lying in a filth though they had my mobile and home numbers. This is not what was expected from them on both occasions.

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