Sunset Garden de Flic en Flac

MauriceSunset Garden



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Flic en Flac, Mauritius
contact téléphone: +230 453 8614
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -20.2755524, Longitude: 57.3707826

commentaires 5

  • Richard Schöbel

    Richard Schöbel


    Very good food and service. Little bit higher prices as the other restaurants but worth. The restaurant is in a nice garden so you not got disturbed by the road next to it. The Staff is very friendly and motivated. Been there twice and both times been very good. I can recommend the catch of the day.

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    christabelle asaun


    Amazing..nice place to go with family,friends and boyfriend/girlfriend

  • Logesh Pillay

    Logesh Pillay


    Great tropical dining vibe! Loved the live music

  • Pavel Shchedrovitskiy

    Pavel Shchedrovitskiy


    Our favorite place in Flic en Flac, so far. Shady garden. Convenient parking. Great food. We really enjoyed lamb and catch of the day. Joyful bar and music. Good service.

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    ashwini prabhu


    Visited the place for lunch. Had cheese spring rolls and vegetarian fried noodles both were yum.. and Shirley's temple was decent. Good ambience and outdoor seating and prompt service.. not much crowd for lunch time must be busier for dinner.. and they also have an extensive menu for non vegetarian food.

Restaurant la plus proche

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