Sawasdee de Flic en Flac




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Flic en Flac, Mauritius
contact téléphone: +230 453 8452
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -20.2788449, Longitude: 57.3688

commentaires 5

  • en

    roshnee n


    Quite a cosy place.

  • en

    Nicolas Rouget


    Simple!!! Nice place and good food at a good price.

  • ramsamy ronald

    ramsamy ronald


    Adorable my favourite since the opening. Great owner and great staff

  • en

    Soomadee Pareatumbee


    Pad Thai was good, probably one of the best in Mauritius. The tomyam and green curry as well had an authentic taste . During the day, The service however was slow and there were a lot of flies. Went to dinner today, atmosphere was great and so was service! Nice place to chill

  • psychomantis 11

    psychomantis 11


    It's a home converted to a resto/bar The restaurant side of things did not look very impressive. However the bar area has a nice ambience/setting with music and rustic furniture made from wooden palettes. The food was relatively expensive for the quality offered. The mango sticky rice image showed fresh mangoes but they didn't inform us that they didn't have fresh mangoes and replaced it with a mango ice-cream which was a let down, especially for the price charged. The staff are very cheerful and accommodating however and really no problem to communicate with them.

Restaurant la plus proche

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