Restaurant Canton de Port Louis

MauriceRestaurant Canton



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15 Rue Emmanuel Acquital, Port Louis, Port Louis, MU Mauritius
contact téléphone: +230 241 4911
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -20.158843, Longitude: 57.5058686

commentaires 5

  • Peggy Wilmann

    Peggy Wilmann


    It has change a lot service not that good now

  • Naomh



    The quality of the food is no more the same a well as the service. It was a time where the food was excellent there. But sadly missed as this used to be the PLACE to be when you wanted to eat great Chinese food!! Now you no more have value for money there...

  • en

    rachid beaujean


    mine bouille bouillon wantan need i say more

  • Jeremy Cowez

    Jeremy Cowez


    Good food but small portions for the price

  • Diven Treebhoobun

    Diven Treebhoobun


    Nice restaurant in the middle of Chinatown in Port Louis. Serves dim sum and a la carte items. Food is adequate and restaurant is air-conditioned.

Restaurant la plus proche

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