State Bank Of Mauritius (SBM) de Port Louis

MauriceState Bank Of Mauritius (SBM)



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1, Queen Elizabeth II Avenue,, Port Louis 11328, Mauritius
contact téléphone: +230 202 1111
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -20.161848, Longitude: 57.501544

commentaires 5

  • en



    Worst internet banking site I have come across from a bank. Not user friendly and slow to load at times Update... May 2018.. Finally the online banking platform has been updated. Good to see SBM has taken into account the negative feedback they received from customers. Have not used it extensively as yet but it's much better than before.

  • en

    Savita Sharma


    Comfortable arrangement for persons waiting.

  • BU RT

    BU RT


    Good bank but a bit slow in innovation.

  • poonirsha lopez stylish-beauty

    poonirsha lopez stylish-beauty


    Describe your experience State bank of Mauritius (sbm)

  • Michel Vincent

    Michel Vincent


    Very clean (as most banks) but waiting time is rather long. Good this is that there is ticketing so no need to get tired standing

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