SBI Mauritius de Port Louis

MauriceSBI Mauritius



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Sir William Newton Street, Port Louis, Port Louis, MU Mauritius
contact téléphone: +230 5887 2624
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -20.1627013, Longitude: 57.5039488

commentaires 5

  • Pawan Saw

    Pawan Saw


    Very bad exchange rate

  • Eric CN

    Eric CN


    First and last time in a SBI bank On Tuesday 21st March afternoon at about 14hr50, i have been to the Triolet SBI to cash a check from an 80yo man. The check was dated 07/03/16and at the counter the staff stated that it looks like 67/03/16. And thus she had to have the manager approval first. After a while she get back to me saying that it was rejected.  So...i wanna talk to the manger for a simple understanding as there are no such 67 days in any months and it is surely 07. As i was knocking at the manager door, i saw and heard the manager saying super loud, 'Nan nan pa pou kapav fer narien pou ou mone dirrr !'. I was shocked...really shocked as i was still outside his office door still close. And as a manager, i did never expect such a bad manner shouting so loudly at a customer without receiving him first and mainly without a 'Bonjour'. Before leaving, i asked the manager his name and he totally refused by saying 'mo pa obligé dir ou' with one hand hiding his necklace card. Personally, it's a weird shame for such banking services in Mauritius and i guess sanctions must be taken to promote better public services.

  • en

    Anusha Sookaloo


    Superb..... Everything on the spot.... Good manners...

  • Vedanund Sungkur

    Vedanund Sungkur


  • Herbert Dereck

    Herbert Dereck



Banque la plus proche

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