ABC Banking Corporation Ltd de Port Louis

MauriceABC Banking Corporation Ltd



🕗 horaire

WEAL HOUSE, Duke of Edinburgh Avenue,, Place d'Armes,, Port Louis 11328, Mauritius
contact téléphone: +230 206 8000
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -20.1618428, Longitude: 57.5025956

commentaires 5

  • en

    Abs Nur


    The bank to have in my pocket!

  • Krishen Ffwdman

    Krishen Ffwdman


    I work there

  • Mr Ev

    Mr Ev


    Very professional bank. They might ask for details and source of funds but this shows how professional they are in their dealings and in line to Mauritian laws. This is why they growing fast and got prestigious awards... Placing them on the top of other Mauritian banks.

  • Ramesh



    Good bank, came before other bank, is climbing very quickly..

  • en

    Vivek Daby


    Received a loan from a friend and after giving them all details and written proof(obviously to show that it wasn't money laundering or tax evasion), they still did not allow the transfer to go through. My advice, if you're in Mauritius, just go to the MCB, SBM or BARCLAYS. It will save you an unnecessary headache and trouble.

Banque la plus proche

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