Nine Dragon de Quatre Bornes

MauriceNine Dragon


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🕗 horaire

Ebène Cybercity, Quatre Bornes, Mauritius
contact téléphone: +230 454 1969
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -20.2440236, Longitude: 57.4880986

commentaires 5

  • en

    Nessa K


  • Keven Maistry

    Keven Maistry


  • Kirtee Moheeputh

    Kirtee Moheeputh


    Nice food

  • Yanzekian



    Nice setting but very bad service. Went with a group of 10 persons. Waitess rude with not a single smile. Food not worth the price at all. Did not enjoy a single spoon of my food. Watties frozen vegetables in my fried rice. A restautant should put fresh vegetable for this price. For sure will never go there again. Based on the other reviews it seems other food than fried noodle and fried rice are ok.

  • en

    Claudia W


    Good food!!!

Restaurant la plus proche

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