KFC de Ebène




🕗 horaire

Ebène, Mauritius
contact téléphone: +230 432 1615
site web: www.kfc.mu
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -20.2441235, Longitude: 57.4879219

commentaires 5

  • Ash G

    Ash G


    Their spicy on-the-bone chicken is spicier and more moist than Bagatelle. Less oily fingers after eating but not always. So I don't mind queueing up in this space tight KFC. Often they have a great deal on coleslaw on Fridays. The ordering style changed this year - place order and then wait somewhere until your order is marked ready on their screen (same as Phoenix Mall KFC but not BG). Eben KFC is definitely in my top 2 for KFC in Mauritius.

  • Yeshna D Sreepaul

    Yeshna D Sreepaul


    Too much waiting with this new system..

  • en

    endry leung


    A good kfc during lunch time. Employs deafs and mutes. Keep it up guys.

  • warduke17 As Backup

    warduke17 As Backup


    Very quick service. Best as always..

  • Joseph Edouard

    Joseph Edouard


    Nice food court It is found in the mall Excellent service and excellent serving

Restaurant la plus proche

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