Le Capitaine Restaurant de Grand Baie

MauriceLe Capitaine Restaurant



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B13, Grand Baie, MU Mauritius
contact téléphone: +230 263 6867
site web: www.lecapitaine.mu
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -20.0151016, Longitude: 57.5709654

commentaires 5

  • en

    arnaud brijou


    Excellent place in Grand bay, Returning back after our last visit, still the same standard and quality food. I had the fish in banana leaf, a real delicacy.

  • divya gopal

    divya gopal


    nice food..good service and live music💛

  • Josephine Stein-Vigroux

    Josephine Stein-Vigroux


    We wanted to go there one afternoon but where unfortunately too late. We decided to go again for lunch and were very happy with the result. Beautiful location and a very nice restaurant. I the chicken and shrimps with rice which tasted very good and would recommend again. The staff was more than happy to also give us advice on what we should visit during our stay.

  • Ruth Pepin

    Ruth Pepin


    Visited this restaurant a couple of times and both times enjoyed the food. The service is good and the restaurant has an openness feel to it. We had the seafood and the traditional curries and did enjoy the meals. The lobster came with a risotto. It was tasty but not a risotto. Think Mauritian restaurants should stick to their cusine. We have not experienced many good restaurants in Mauritius but this one I would recommend.

  • Pavel Shchedrovitskiy

    Pavel Shchedrovitskiy


    Good seafood restaurant. Nice terrace on the bay with cozy chairs and white covers. Good food. Seafood platter for 2 is a lot of food; good quality but decent cooking. Good white house wine. Live music. Parking. Pricy.

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