Café International The Flame Grill Café de Pointe aux Biches

MauriceCafé International The Flame Grill Café



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Coastal Road, Pointe aux Biches, MU Mauritius
contact téléphone: +230 5765 8735
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -20.0413424, Longitude: 57.5419933

commentaires 5

  • Tania Kwok

    Tania Kwok


    great food! great owner! value for money:)

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    Tanya Broinshtein


    What a little gem! Had some delicious South African steaks here. The food was delicious and the service was fantastic. Keen to try the burgers next.

  • Marius Kroon

    Marius Kroon


    Combine good steaks and hamburgers with a friendly family from South Africa and you end up with this lovely restaurant. The food is really nice, my wife had a side dish that was made of beetroot and it could not have been any better. Highly recommended - I have to go back for the biltong. The owner told us that he imports the meat himself from SA directly and also makes biltong from scratch in his own kitchen.

  • Alena Souckova

    Alena Souckova


    Burgers were fine, meat great, but the bun was nothing special. Probably not homemade and that does a lot. Beef steak ordered as medium was maybe too much done. Prices higher in compare to competition and there was an error in the bil, that we found (another item charged).

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    Prenita Nel


    Best food in Mauritius... Love the burgers and meat. Will be back on Wednesday for lamb ribs!!! Can't wait!! Went back to eat our lamb ribs... The best lamb ribs we have ever tasted.... Cafe International is a must to anyone visiting Mauritius .. Best food ever.. If you South African looking for Brandy and coke (Klippies and coke) this is where you will find it and pap and lamb of course... Will definitely be back....

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