Mafiozzo de Flic en Flac




🕗 horaire

Coastal Road, Flic en Flac, MU Mauritius
contact téléphone: +230
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -20.2790008, Longitude: 57.3684795

commentaires 5

  • Khaled Alyousef

    Khaled Alyousef


    Nice place to chill and watch football, world cup 2018

  • Paul Astbury-Thomas

    Paul Astbury-Thomas


    After a long walk up the beach this was a welcome break with reasonably priced, tasty drinks and as a bonus they were showing a match from the World Cup. Relaxed vibe and a member of staff was very helpful when asked about the local buses (they were stopping at six and it was getting on for quarter past five!).

  • Shou BiZz

    Shou BiZz


    It was my first time😗!I ordered a pina coloda 🍹which was ok but staff members were not professional 😑 please be more productive🤗Yet very cosy ❤

  • Richard Schöbel

    Richard Schöbel


    Poor Cocktails not sure who teach them how to make them but definatly no professional.There is even the ice missing in it. Prices are too high for what you get. The Staff is not motivated at all. The location is pretty good but the bar is poor. We been twice to give a chance and got disappointed both times. Never again.

  • Ash Jaguar

    Ash Jaguar


    Overpriced drinks, lazy waiters & unprofessional staff. Super loud repetitive music, you would be better off buying your booze in the supermarket downstairs & enjoy it by the beach!

Bar la plus proche

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