Mont Choisy Le Mall de Grand Baie

MauriceMont Choisy Le Mall



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M2, Grand Baie, MU Mauritius
contact téléphone: +230 269 4242
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -20.0245087, Longitude: 57.57628

commentaires 5

  • Alex Daryan

    Alex Daryan


    Besides King Savers supermarket and some shops, there is no other activity. The supermarket is great and prices are very very affordable. One Indian cuisine restaurant and five shops complete the mall. Need more shops and entertainment thereat.

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    Was Jonas


    Not much to see or do here, except for a couple of shops and restaurants. Needs some more attractions. Ameninities are good

  • Ahmed



    Quiet little mall with ample parking, retail, pharmacy & food. Excellent halal Indian food served at Saffron Grill restaurant.

  • NVRMD Gaming

    NVRMD Gaming


    Interesting Place with lots of distinct shops for all kinds of shopping ever desired. Has also several restaurants with delicious food. Good place for family.

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    Renuka Reesaul


    I've seen nothing like kids can enjoy. Peaceful place, may be if they share the garden with public, there may be more customers for the supermarket, like I can buy something to eat and have it in the garden enjoying the peace.

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