Grand Baie Bazar de Grand Baie

MauriceGrand Baie Bazar



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Grand Baie, Mauritius
contact téléphone: +230 5772 6615
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -20.009898, Longitude: 57.5863774

commentaires 5

  • en

    Malcolm Alexander


    Top floor excellent, middle floor pay attention to prices, amazing variety fresh food. Outside market much cheaper for mementoes

  • Ajit Chauhan

    Ajit Chauhan


    Lots of shops, more for clothes and jewellery but can find everything you need. Definitely for tourists

  • Guy Bouman

    Guy Bouman


    Great deals. Small and lively. Good quality deals

  • Vikash Mithal

    Vikash Mithal


    Very clean, very quiet. Not the best place to get cheep deals and the place is very hidsen and difficult to find by your self or without someone's help. People are extremly friendly. It would be great if they did foreign exchange near by. I will return there during a busier time.

  • en

    Reza Rajub


    It's a touristic Bazar, it has a great reputation. Most of the tourists come in the north of the island , they must visit the Bazar., not too much expensive and its nice. But be careful SOME of the merchants are burglars on prices as well as articles.

Centres commerciaux la plus proche

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