Les Jardins De la Compagnie i Port Louis

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MauritiusLes Jardins De la Compagnie



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La Chaussée, Port Louis, Port Louis, MU Mauritius
kontakter telefon: +230
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Latitude: -20.1638351, Longitude: 57.5022436

kommentar 5

  • Babita Mitchell

    Babita Mitchell


    I like this little "park". Because here you will find many old trees. It is frequented by prostitutes at night, hence only to be visited during day time. Lovely food in the food corner.

  • en

    Izuchukwuchife24 Chife


    First time visit here though,just accompanied a family friend to the cemetry

  • Goreeba Nirvan

    Goreeba Nirvan


    Nice place to chill during the day. Have food stands where you can get different kind of foods. You have also nearby shops and you can hear the birds singing

  • en

    Shubhda Gujadhur


    Excellent street food available in and around the area but the garden itself has a bad reputation for being frequented by prostitutes at its least busy hours. Nonetheless, there's a museum close by and a plethora of different street food vendors that one may choose from to fit anyone's palate.

  • en

    Mario Louise


    Historical place to be and it is so quiet even if there is so many people passing through. Can have a sit to appreciate the big trees.

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