La Table du Château de Mapou

MauriceLa Table du Château



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Domaine de Labourdonnais, Mapou, Mauritius
contact téléphone: +230 266 7172
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -20.072082, Longitude: 57.618021

commentaires 5

  • Alain Captieux

    Alain Captieux


    I was at La Table du Chateau with my wife and daughter on Saturday 16 June 2018. The restaurant was not crowded. A guitarist was playing some very nice classic relaxing tunes. Ambiance was thus great. We were given the menus as well as the wine list rapidly and our orders taken as soon as we were ready to order. There’s a good variety of cocktails and spirits to choose from. I ordered a Green Paradise cocktail, whilst my daughter had a Cinderella Fruit cocktail. Both were excellent. For our meal we all ordered for the starter the Terrine de Foie Gras. For the main course my wife had the Magret de Canard (Breast Duck), my daughter the Souris d’Agneau (Braised Lamb) and I had a Boeuf Bourguignon (Burgandy style Beef). The starters were served very quickly. The Foie Gras was outstanding. I would attribute a 5/5 for it. I just wonder if it’s imported or locally produced. Perhaps if the chef reads my review he will reply to that. We all appreciated our main course with a good Wester Cape Cabernet Sauvignon of Oude Kaap winery. My wife and daughter had both the Crème Brulée for dessert. As far as the service is concerned, I would attribute 4 out of 5. They were very attentive and professional

  • Ravin Bulramaya

    Ravin Bulramaya


    Very good food, but somewhat small portions and not cheap.

  • Bertrand Boulle

    Bertrand Boulle


    Excellent restaurant. Always very busy. Well worth a visit.. You can try the rhum as well. Spare a few hours to see the Domaine, the Chateau itself, as it has a wealth of information on those who lived there and on Mauritius.

  • en

    colette duriez


    Excellent experience, divine local food in a beautiful setting. good prices. What else ?

  • Ruth Pepin

    Ruth Pepin


    Had a fabulous dinner at this restaurant last night. Highly recommend. Good range of French and Mauritian food, best wait service yet and great live background music. Have already rebooked to come back as other restaurants in the north Mauritian area have been very disappointing.

Restaurant la plus proche

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