Grand Baie Gym Hydro Spa de Grand Baie

MauriceGrand Baie Gym Hydro Spa



🕗 horaire

Route Cotière, Grand Baie, MU Mauritius
contact téléphone: +230 263 9290
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -20.0094337, Longitude: 57.5669566

commentaires 5

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    Massage was good, but too overpriced and no service at all. They make you pay a tourist price and urge you to leave as soon as it is finished. I paid 3300 MUR for 1,5 h. massage and 1000 MUR for 20min. body scrub, although on their website it is twice cheaper and normal Mauritian prices are two or even three times lower. I found another very good massage studio just across the road with prices twice lower and professional SPA.

  • en

    Lew Rachel


    Nice massage and good views

  • Mark G

    Mark G


    Gym equipment old and at 650 rupees to use gym it's over priced.

  • Luke K

    Luke K


    Great gym if you don't need all the thrills

  • en

    Andrea Winberg


    I had a fantastic massage! The facilities are great... love the berry smoothie!

Gym la plus proche

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