Tarisa Resort and Spa Mauritius i Grand Baie

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MauritiusTarisa Resort and Spa Mauritius



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B36, Grand Baie, MU Mauritius
kontakter telefon: +230 265 6600
internet side: www.tarisa-resort.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -20.0207699, Longitude: 57.5555763

kommentar 5

  • Yaj Beegoo

    Yaj Beegoo


    Nice location but a bit hard to find, very good food, warm and welcoming staff, clean rooms. Very good value.

  • en

    Bharat Bhardwaj


    Excellent location on one of the best beaches in Mauritius i.e. Mont Choisy. Has good amenities. Good swimming pool and spa facilities. Only limitation was the repeated buffet breakfast and dinner.

  • en

    Odette Katrak


    A wonderful holiday destination with a perfect location on the beach. Good food, good service, some really caring staff and a great ambience

  • lalit mohan

    lalit mohan


    Excellent location. Cleanliness and friendly staff is the key. Indian food is served at Tandoor restaurant. Distance from the main market place is somewhat inconvenient for some urgent requirement. Only one water bottle is complimentary per day, though u can prepare tea or coffee at the room

  • Shaun Zach

    Shaun Zach


    Awesome, clean and neat. Staff attitude excellent. Very accommodating. One of the best beaches on the island. This place should be up for review. Minimum 4 stars. Food unbelievable. Excellent guys. Keep up the awesome job. One of my best holiday destinations ever. Will definitely come back

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