Shoprite Port Louis de Port Louis

MauriceShoprite Port Louis



🕗 horaire

Garden Tower, La Poudierre Street, Port Louis, Mauritius
contact téléphone: +230
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -20.16462, Longitude: 57.50338

commentaires 5

  • Steeve Dupre

    Steeve Dupre


    Fast food available at very affordable prices.

  • James Yan

    James Yan


    Spacious and handy for office people in need of some groceries!

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    Yoosreen Mohumudally


    Shoprite Port Louis is very limited compared to it's hypermarket. You get the basics and the very big problem with the cashiers is that they never have changes for you. The easiest way to deal with that is to pay by card.

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    Himrani Chowbay Ramsewak


    Located at a convenient location but wish there were more variety of products and parking space.

  • bhim harnamsing

    bhim harnamsing


    Nice place for shopping in the city centre but no parking space available

Supermarché la plus proche

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