Seaview Holiday Apartments de Grand Baie

MauriceSeaview Holiday Apartments



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B13, Grand Baie, MU Mauritius
contact téléphone: +230 5942 2988
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -20.0101449, Longitude: 57.5836342

commentaires 5

  • Jérémie Larose

    Jérémie Larose


    Its a really nice place but the services are not that good you need to pay for everything.

  • zunaid kamdar

    zunaid kamdar


    Great place. Amazing supervisor.

  • en

    Cassy Knuppe


    What an Awesome stay, close to everything.. loved it

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    Duan Da Silva Medeiros


    Good location if you are looking for a party. Nice clubs are located next door of the apartments. But if you are looking to relax, the main street is noisy and with the clubs close, getting a nice sleep is a bit hard. The apartment is beautiful and cleaning service was good but the hostess monitors the power usage and we had to pay a Rs1000 extra when we checked out for the power.

  • Chantal Giller

    Chantal Giller


    We really enjoy staying there

Lodging la plus proche

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