Récif Attitude Hotel de Pointe aux Biches

MauriceRécif Attitude Hotel


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B38, Pointe aux Biches, MU Mauritius
contact téléphone: +230 261 0444
site web: recif-hotel-mauritius.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -20.0556015, Longitude: 57.5220205

commentaires 5

  • en

    Elize van Zyl


    Thank you so much all personnel of this wonderful hotel! We enjoyed our stay and can recommend the whole package to anybody who is interested! The personnel are professional, helpful and friendly, food was very good and the rooms clean and comfortable. Thank you so much, we will be back soon!

  • en

    phillip nel


    Staff very friendly and helpfull. Friendly relaxed atmosphere, music and good food. Good snorkling area.

  • poorun khoosy

    poorun khoosy


    Nice place to spend wiz family n friends..good bar..foods and beverages.. comfort rooms n service.. good views ....nice view while swimming RocK fish n all

  • en

    Will Jones


    Lovely location, rooms basic but clean and comfortable. Hotel Beach and sea were clean. Care needed in rougher seas but there were life guards during my stay

  • Naomh



    Great place, Staff very client oriented. Entertainment is cool. The rooms are neat and well decorated. If only you could make a slight effort on the food? You would be the best in that region!! I really enjoyed being there!! My daughter was offered her birthday cake during our stay!! cheers to you all!!

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