Nishav Apartments de Trou-aux-Biches

MauriceNishav Apartments


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🕗 horaire

35, Morc Mascareigne, Trou-aux-Biches, Mauritius
contact téléphone: +230 5913 2136
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -20.0390389, Longitude: 57.5445393

commentaires 5

  • en

    Gerhard Brits


    Very close to main beach, neat, spacious, free Wifi. Value for money!

  • en




  • Ales Maly

    Ales Maly


    Very good place,2 bedrooms so even for bigger family. Some small insects but they are hard to be avoided. There is quite often bus to take you on the North or south. Owner can negotiate taxi trip to Port Louis for 1500rs which is very reasonable for those who don't like driving on left side especially in big city with intense traffic. Shop is very close and beach as well. Owner offered to give us a ride to grand Baie when she goes at work ;-)

  • en



    All o.k., all what you need .. Good location, near to the beach, rent-car is recomended

  • shahzad butt

    shahzad butt


    Great value for money. Attention to detail ... no frills but everything you need is there

Lodging la plus proche

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