Marie Reine de la Paix de Port Louis

MauriceMarie Reine de la Paix


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Port Louis, Mauritius
contact téléphone: +230
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -20.1704841, Longitude: 57.4962558

commentaires 5

  • Chen Tang

    Chen Tang


    If you go up behind the statue there will be a fence, follow it to the left until it end. Then there will be almost a 45 degree path which leads to half way track to the top of signal mountain. Good workout for those doing trail running. This is one of the best place to watch new year firework.

  • Ales Maly

    Ales Maly


    Very calm place,almost nobody there during our visit. Nice view on the city and citadel. Good for prayers And those looking for some piecefull place.

  • vipul kumar Dutta

    vipul kumar Dutta


    Spiritual, Peaceful & great view of port louis from here.

  • BU RT

    BU RT


    Nice place to have some fresh air after a long day at the office

  • en

    Mridul Murali Krishna


    Hundreds of locals and tourists daily visit the Marie Reine de la Paix church to pray and enjoy the beautiful greenery around. The premises of the church are an ideal place from which to enjoy the view of Port Louis. You have to climb seven terraces and 82 rock-cut steps in order to reach the monument. Each of the terraces has beautiful patches of flowers of a variety of colours. The garden surrounding the church is one of the best maintained in Mauritius. You can enjoy a day here with your family, have picnics with friends, or relax while overlooking the city and the sea. Tourists visit the place to have a glimpse of the picturesque serene environment. The garden is usually very well maintained with patches of colorful flowers throughout the terraces. For the little history lesson: The constructions started in May 1940 and was inaugurated in August of the following year. The 3m white marble statue represents Mary holding a world globe When mass is celebrated here, it usually attracts a fair amount of people from lots of different places. The place is closely associated with important moments of the Catholic Church. At night, you will experience Port-Louis all lights on which is quite beautiful too, although I would still be careful not to go there alone in the evenings though.

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