Location de Voitures Île Maurice Soleiro Car Rental Mauritius i Grand-Baie

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MauritiusLocation de Voitures Île Maurice Soleiro Car Rental Mauritius



🕗 åbningstider

B11 Suryamukhi Road, opposite to labour office (Near Super U), Grand-Baie 30502, Mauritius
kontakter telefon: +230 5907 1291
internet side: soleiro-carrental.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -20.013032, Longitude: 57.585711

kommentar 5

  • Sam ralen

    Sam ralen


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    Saurabh Grover


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    Michael Carrington


    After being let down by other car rental services we managed to get a car dropped to our location (even though it was a tricky spot to get to) within a few hours of calling. The car was brand new and drove great throughout the whole island. Price was very competitive and service was impeccable! We even extended the rental by a day and organised to drop the car at the airport instead of having it collected from our villa, this was no problem and the drop off at the airport was a piece of cake (we handed it over at the departures drop off area). We really can’t express how nice it was to have such a pleasant experience after the pain we went though initially. Highly recommend this company!!

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    Akhilesh Choytun


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    Darwish Shakeel Documents Clearing Satwa


    I booked the car from this company. They are very professional and cars are Neat and clean . Always book with free wifi or GPS. I recommend them to others. Dont go for big brands.

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