La Botteghita de Grand Baie

MauriceLa Botteghita



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B13, Grand Baie, MU Mauritius
contact téléphone: +230 263 1635
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -20.0095435, Longitude: 57.5820685

commentaires 5

  • Constanta Dorina Costache

    Constanta Dorina Costache


    If you want the best italian food, if you want the best italian fine dining restaurant, if you want the best italian fine dining, yet affordable restaurant, if you want fast service and client oriented owners, if you want the best pizza, IF YOU WANT THE BEST STAKE, if you want creativity, taste and not go home empty pocket you don't have to search further than the heart of Grand Baie. This restaurant is amazing, with personality and with off this world food. Always a pleasure eating there.

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    Andre Koekemoer


    Premier truffle destination Crispy thin crust pizza Blackboard menu always interesting

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    henry sabapatee


    great little Italian place in the north of the island with nice pasta and pizza dishes.

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    John C


    Disappointing. It took over 20mins to be asked if we even wanted a drink. The food was overpriced, and the seafood pasta was made with frozen prawns!

  • Marta WasioÅ‚ka

    Marta Wasiołka


    The best Italian food in Mauritius. I was there three times already, and definitely will be back. Nice, and helpful staff. Owners come to ask if everything is okay. Delicious food, and pizza is even better than in Roma!

Restaurant la plus proche

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