Hotel Tamarin de Tamarin

MauriceHotel Tamarin


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Tamarin 90921, Mauritius
contact téléphone: +230 483 4313
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Latitude: -20.3271689, Longitude: 57.3777784

commentaires 5

  • Bertrand Boulle

    Bertrand Boulle


    run down in 2017... needs refurbishment.. hippy like hotel.. good for jazz and music. The Food which is always a buffer is not worth paying for, frankly.

  • Siddhi Suresh

    Siddhi Suresh


    I often come here for diving. Never actually stayed here. But a great place to come to in case you are interested in water activities like surfing, diving, snorkelling etc. My experience with them has been amazing and I love the various locations I have been taken to for diving. In fact I have completed my first level of PADI certification and will soon start the second level. They have all the equipment you would need, even for diving, but experienced divers can always bring their own equipment.

  • Malik Muhammad Umar Awan

    Malik Muhammad Umar Awan


    One of the great hotels for tourists. Nature plus environment.healthy and yummy food.

  • en

    Avish Ashvin


    Overall nice and way too simple place . But food is not so good. And also not worth the price. Need much renovation and improve quality of food. However staffs are nice n the pool also was good.

  • Nicholas Laide

    Nicholas Laide


    Great fun . Nice staff, food excellent. Nearby shops and shopping ideas. ... Music live in evening. The beach one step crossing the road . Just too good. Second visit and already feeling at home. Big thanks to all

Lodging la plus proche

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