Hot Sun Bungalow & Apartments Mauritius i Grand Gaube

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MauritiusHot Sun Bungalow & Apartments Mauritius



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Royal Road, Grand Gaube, Mauritius
kontakter telefon: +230 5949 8834
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Latitude: -20.0093126, Longitude: 57.666447

kommentar 5

  • en

    Yuvraj Shyam Ranjeetsingh Persand


  • lotta Jörnevik

    lotta Jörnevik


    This is a super place Wery god service from Nitish We are going back as soon we can Matt and Lotta from sweden

  • Nitish Persand

    Nitish Persand


    Marvellous place and quiet environment plus a Tropical climate of Mauritius to enjoy as a tourist. You just have to walk some 7 minutes to have beach access and the Indian ocean sea. The owner is very helpful to guide you to the charming places of the Grand Gaube village and its nice Straw Umbrella [kiosk] on the sea... The rooms inside are spacious & tidy. Its interior creole architecture is a change from the interior design of european homes and villas, and even from local mauritian hotels.

  • Geeta Shibchurn

    Geeta Shibchurn


    It was great holidays in this cosy villa, which was also spacious and clean. I'll come back anytime! I found the garden very relaxing with birds chirping around and where I picked some mauritian fruits. The beach is less than 10 mins walk from the property and there are some bars-restaurants along the way. Just an ideal place to be and feel the local life. The coast is filled with small bays, which confers Grand Gaube its unqiue lagoon... The host helped me and my friends to organise my stay and our excursions.I found the peace of mind in this island of Mauritius, by staying at the Hot Sun Bungalow.

  • Hot Sun Bungalow & Apartments Mauritius

    Hot Sun Bungalow & Apartments Mauritius


    It is always a pleasure to receive guests from all corners of the world in our warm and cosy bungalow, meant for tourists . We do our best to care for their need for holidays & rest at any time of the year. Это всегда приятно принимать гостей со всех уголков мира в наших теплых и уютных бунгало, предназначенный для туристов и их необходимость для праздников и отдыха в любое время года. Вы также будете восхищаться нашим тропический сад. Получайте удовольствие и партии в острове Маврикий! Un réel plaisir de partager des moments inoubliables avec des invités .... des quatre coins du Monde et de leur faire vivre cette fraîcheur unique de vivre à Maurice...

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