Food Lover's Market de Grand Baie

MauriceFood Lover's Market



🕗 horaire

B45, Grand Baie, MU Mauritius
contact téléphone: +230 269 4961
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -20.022778, Longitude: 57.5794691

commentaires 5

  • en

    david pun


    zamais ena stock produit labas. en plisse ena boucoup produit ki mo mem pas conner ki fer ek sa

  • Mark Smith

    Mark Smith


    Good quality.

  • Cynthia Parrish

    Cynthia Parrish


    This Market is Terrible!!! It is poorly stocked most of the time, and has a very limited product offering. Given that it is a South African brand, you would think that they would import more fresh produce from South Africa rather than France, as it would permit for a broader produce offering and customer would be able to get the produce they need. For example, they rarely have celery, but they could easily get celery from SA. When you call the store, they rarely answer the phone. The answering machine comes on frequently. Also, the staff is not customer friendly!!! PLEASE TRAIN YOUR STAFF!!! When ask for something and they don't have it, they have no interest in getting you information about when it will be there or if they will have have the item. Also, some items are 2 times the price of the same item in Super U. And, in general, the items in the shop are overpriced.




    Fantastic collection of fresh and dried fruits fresh. Ready food available as well. Salads. Fish and meat. Would recommend.

  • Yusuf Ahmad

    Yusuf Ahmad


    Mauritian take on whole foods with quality selection of produce, meats (halal), excellent bakery, some prepared food options (rotisserie, salad bar, rotis, smoothies, sandwiches, hot food)

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