Elizabeth Wok and Grill i Port Louis

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MauritiusElizabeth Wok and Grill



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Rue Malbar, Port Louis, Port Louis, MU Mauritius
kontakter telefon: +230 5767 7362
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Latitude: -20.1587794, Longitude: 57.5100404

kommentar 1

  • Shu'ayb Patel

    Shu'ayb Patel


    A newly opened Chinese restaurant in the food sector of Port Louis. The cleanliness and indoor display cabinet makes me prefer this over street vendors. There is a small seating area with high chairs. It is not a chic place but good for a fast lunch or dinner. The couple who run the place cook the food themselves, so I feel confident about the food hygiene. Some curries, like caramel chicken, has no chilies at all, so it's well suited for kids. Uodate: This fast food restaurant specialises in Chinese cuisine, a bit like a Dim Sum. The outlet has been renamed Elizabeth Wok and Bites I think, from what I see on the sign. It is better to call first, if you are coming specifically for it, as several times I have seen it closed during the specified business hours.

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