COTTONS i Flic en Flac

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Cascavelle, Flic en Flac, Mauritius
kontakter telefon: +230 452 9050
internet side:
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Latitude: -20.2784971, Longitude: 57.4029981

kommentar 5

  • Richard Schöbel

    Richard Schöbel


    Nice little mall not too far from Flic en Flac. You can find a large supermarket there (Monoprix) and some variety of shops such as Woolworth, Quicksilver, Roxy and some other cloth stores. Also there are few electronic and mobile phone shops as well as Wine and liquor and tea shops. The souvenir shop was not so good looked all like cheap Chinese stuff. worth to go for a look.

  • Allan Wohrnitz

    Allan Wohrnitz


    A "South Africa" in Mauritius. Most regular Sour African brands are in the mall, however the taste the food brands did not match the real South African flavours. A bit of work to do in that part

  • en

    Tahlia Hutton


    Widely available products, from clothes to Groceries. 5km from the beach. Go carting track. A bit pricey.

  • Justine Marianne

    Justine Marianne


    Nice place for a shopping promenade. Relatively small compared to other well known malls. Limited choice in food court.

  • Yashley Sookun

    Yashley Sookun


    Mall is very spacious and the shops are varied, from hypermarket to coffee shops to electrical appliances to shoes, clothes and fashion accessories. There's a food court also. Atmosphere is nice. Public toilets available. Public transport available within the parking space. Parking adequate. Only cinema halls missing! Few minutes drive to Flic en flac beach.

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