Cosy Villa de Trou-aux-Biches

MauriceCosy Villa



🕗 horaire

Villa Number 11, La Balade Resort, Coast Road, Trou-aux-Biches, Mauritius
contact téléphone: +230 5705 3834
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -20.0463699, Longitude: 57.532944

commentaires 3

  • Marc Banlier

    Marc Banlier


  • عزيز البلوي

    عزيز البلوي


    Very very bad Not clean No office there or recaption

  • Natasha Seetanah

    Natasha Seetanah


    Cosy Villa was just what we needed for our stay in Mauritius - the apartment was clean and comfortable. The hosts were very helpful and arranged our car hire for the duration of the trip, which we would recommend doing to see the whole of the island. Great value for money and would definitely recommend

Lodging la plus proche

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