Club Med Les Villas d'Albion de Albion

MauriceClub Med Les Villas d'Albion



🕗 horaire

Avenue du Club Med, Albion 742CU001, Mauritius
contact téléphone: +230 206 0700
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -20.219505, Longitude: 57.395065

commentaires 5

  • en

    Ana Belan


    Beatiful place to stay, lots to do

  • Hassan Zaheer

    Hassan Zaheer


    Excellent hospitality, staff very good.

  • en

    Bilall Jawdy


    Had a wonderful time...thank you!

  • Nazaha Diloo

    Nazaha Diloo


    It was awesome....Professional services...We really enjoyed our weekend... The atmosphere at zen pool is very relaxing...The theatre is just awesome..Many activities available...Their food OMG tooooo tasty...The staffs are very friendly...The room decor is very nice...Once inside your room,there's no noise....very quiet....Club Med Albion is the best place for a relaxing holiday...

  • Michael Chan

    Michael Chan


    Great place! If you want a very private place then Club Med is not your place, but if you want to try out different sports, talking to different people, or fun parties in the night then this is the perfect place. Great food, nice decorations, excellent view. The G.O.s here are very friendly and talkative. A more public area for interactions with other people and another " Zen" area for a quiet and more private time.

Lodging la plus proche

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