Central Market de Port Louis

MauriceCentral Market



🕗 horaire

Corderie Street, Port Louis, Port Louis, MU Mauritius
contact téléphone: +230
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -20.1606919, Longitude: 57.5029509

commentaires 5

  • Melisha P

    Melisha P


    Great if you like the bustle of a local market. Beware of being ripped off. Shop around before you buy anything because you are likely to find the same items in another stall for half the price.

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    Kharuna Ramrukheea


    You cannot visit Port-louis without going through the market. You will definitely find something or the other to buy. The veggies are always well presented and the souvenir shops have a lot of going on. Prices are high for souvenir but you just need to kniw how to bargain...

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    Mmathari Mashao


    Bargains galore on this rare visit to our neighbouring island at this market Its got plenty holiday resorts along the coast, sandy beaches with clear clean water, exquisite cuisine & mouth watering cocktails 😎

  • Monisha Koojun

    Monisha Koojun


    You can buy many things from there. What good is that the seller do there best to speak in your language You will find several of your necessity at the same place and a variety different!! However it's better to keep a local person with you, so that you don't get lost or go bankrupt...

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    Yannick Noah


    There are a lot of variety of vegetable and fruit. Price range is moderate to high depending on the season. It is also a well known tourist trap. So be very careful before buying anything.

Point d'intĂ©rĂȘt la plus proche

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