Apache Spur (Mauritius) i Bagatelle

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MauritiusApache Spur (Mauritius)



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Shop 137, Mall of Mauritius 80832, Bagatelle, Mauritius
kontakter telefon: +230 468 8042
internet side: www.spurinternational.com
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Latitude: -20.2237331, Longitude: 57.4970622

kommentar 5

  • Alain Captieux

    Alain Captieux


    I had dinner there on 12 July 2018. We (2 guests and me) asked to be seated inside as the temperature had dropped in Bagatelle. I however noticed that they had a few Patio Heaters, which is a good initiative. The orders were taken fairly quickly. We did not order any wine. The choice is very limited and the markup is very high. We had as starter the Calamari and Buffalo wings. For the main course we ordered: New York Sirloin, Spare Ribs and Fajita. I asked for a medium rare steak. It was quasi well done and cold. They has probably waited for the other dishes to be ready before serving. My guests appreciated their main course. I guess one cannot expect more!!

  • Padmini Sadien

    Padmini Sadien


    Excellent. Staff wonderful. Tuesday deals fantastic. Value for money.

  • Bouquet Jérôme

    Bouquet Jérôme


    Happy Time For A Birthday & Funny when Team is Singing Happy Birthday wishing ,Cheers & thanks Team

  • Alok Naga

    Alok Naga


    While higher than the average price, it is very much value for money. Good atmosphere with very helpful staff. Highly recommend!

  • en

    Ashiv Dhondea


    Poor service. The food is definitely not as good as I expected. The sauces (BBQ & 1000 islands I guess) tasted funny. I suspect they dilute these sauces. I've had better food at Spur outlets in SA. Edit 27.11.17: went there for lunch yesterday. The sauces are still bad, just like last time. We had the Texan crumbed chicken burger and schnitzels. The fries and onion rings were pretty good. The chicken should've been cooked more and been crispier. The home made peach ice tea was fresh and delicious. The waiters also did a great job this time around.

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