361 Unexpect the expected de Port Louis

Maurice361 Unexpect the expected



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La Chaussée, Port Louis, Port Louis, MU Mauritius
contact téléphone: +230 202 0400
site web: www.361.mu
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -20.1634995, Longitude: 57.5010708

commentaires 5

  • Ayesha Issur

    Ayesha Issur


  • en

    Jed Michael SE HIN SON


    If I could put no stars I would have done it.... The service was appalling.... Unexpect the expected? Yeah that's for sure, you would expect delivery to be done on time if not in time...but no.... Delivery was supposed to be between 10h and 12h....and yeah, they were not here.... Calling the head office at noon, they gave us the number of the driver who said he was coming.... Calling again at 14h because the driver didn't yet come, he said that he was currently going to the store to fetch the product.... Both the head office and the driver "fer foutant ar dimoun"(acting like it's nothing and they don't really care) saying that it's just "ene ti retard"(the delivery is "a little" late).... A "little"? The delivery was made around 14h30.... Not a word of apology(neither by the head office nor the driver) for the time wasted....Only excuses, the driver saying the head office is the one giving instructions and the head office saying that they did what was necessary.... So yeah....Unexpect the expected....

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    Bev Samouilhan


    The most appalling service I have ever experienced!!! Will never put foot inside a 361 shop again!

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    Uma Devi


    Quality product & affordable prices

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    Tech Edward


    Good place to get LG product

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