Parcel Post Office of Port Louis i Port Louis

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MauritiusParcel Post Office of Port Louis



🕗 åbningstider

Port Louis, Mauritius
kontakter telefon: +230 213 4813
internet side:
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Latitude: -20.1595672, Longitude: 57.5017135

kommentar 5

  • en

    Sahir Owarish


    Worst customer service around... full of disgusting people with no manners!

  • Vashish Bahadoor Suryadev

    Vashish Bahadoor Suryadev


    Really Bad !

  • QuivianProductions



    I am extremely dissatisfied with the way they treated my product after inspecting it in front of me. The security guard who was handling the product was constantly eyeing me as if I was importing drugs or something. I get it, it is his job to be suspicious of everyone but do not throw the damn thing around.

  • en

    Prang N


    Very unprofessional staffs. What is the use of indicating that office opens at 8.15 when your are told told to wait till 8.30.. and meanwhile the staff is gossiping till 8.30!

  • Thomas Hirsch

    Thomas Hirsch


    Somewhere in the world, there is a parcel post office, a magical place full of busy elves packing Christmas gifts for all the children in the world. In order to create this wonderful place, it had to be split from its very antimatter, which happened to end up in Mauritius. This place will eat little kids' presents. The busy helpers will only move if the correct rituals are performed by the applicant, holding the correct stamps and occult ingredients. Do not believe it is sufficient to identify as the recipient of a package to retrieve it. Best of luck in Dantes narrative of a Post Office.

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