McDonald's Port Louis i Port Louis

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MauritiusMcDonald's Port Louis



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President John Kennedy St, Port Louis, Mauritius
kontakter telefon: +230 208 3588
internet side:
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Latitude: -20.1615085, Longitude: 57.5008907

kommentar 5

  • Hanshinee Jeeana

    Hanshinee Jeeana


    But should organise the queue well when picking up orders. It is too crowded. And they always forget to give tissues. One more issue is the girls at the counters are very unpolite. This is discouraging. Girls at counter at super u flacq mcdo are way polite than those at p.louis. Overall the burgers are good. ☺

  • Azhar Suhootoorah

    Azhar Suhootoorah


    Friendly staff...nice taste of food....quick service....but quatity of food not adequate enough

  • David Bastien

    David Bastien


    I recommend, every end of months, gather with friends and family and have a great meal. Please Eat to Live, Do Not Live to Eat

  • Ashlyn Ramdhany

    Ashlyn Ramdhany


    Loved it. Food was hot and fresh. No stail chips this time and very quick service. The automatic order machine was incredible. Love the idea of introducing the machine. Should be set up all around mauritius McDonalds. Thumbs up!

  • Mayank Trivedi

    Mayank Trivedi


    It is present in main market though the exit area right now is blocked due to construction. Service was fast and have ample amount of space for sitting. No outdoor seating available. Entrance conducive for handicapped people though chairs could be categorized a bit high. From veg perspective very limited options available though were enough to help us have our lunch.

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