Libraire Bookcourt i Port Louis

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MauritiusLibraire Bookcourt


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Immeuble Caudan Water Front, Port Louis, Port Louis, MU Mauritius
kontakter telefon: +230 211 9262
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Latitude: -20.1612737, Longitude: 57.4979353

kommentar 4

  • fr

    Mamta Vichet


    Incontournable à Port-Louis , impossible de ne pas y trouver son bonheur ...

  • Lewis Adelaide

    Lewis Adelaide


    I recently purchased a book from these guys, enquired about the availability through their email address and spoke to Ginny who made this whole process butter smooth. She was very prompt to respond to my emails and arranged for the book to be transferred to my local store for pickup all the while sending me regular emails to update me about the transit. (youre a legend Ginny, thank you) The book itself had the Godly smell of fresh new books and was generally speaking, in good condition (unless you are very nitpicky - in which case the cover of the book had very slight scratches noticeable only under lots of light or at an angle) The only bit of constructive criticism i might have is that i wish you guys had an online store where i could see your library of available books, those to come and potential pre-orders as well as online payment and delivery options (normal post and express) to my door. Also, thank you for understanding that being polite and helpful to your customers is something a business should never compromise on. Ill definitely be a returning customer and it goes without saying that i recommend this business to anyone looking for a newly released book.

  • en

    Rachel Chan


  • Ramesh



    I did buy a book their ten years ago, price was not cheap, but I get it their

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